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Products for a store can only be created by its vendor.

Product page


Each product has a rating. The rating is the sum of the ratings set by customers.


Voting is used to change the visibility of products. Initially, a product has 0 voting points. You can either increase or decrease these points. Products with -10 points will not be displayed to other users (default). You can change the threshold in the platform settings. Product page You need platform tokens (NSD Token) to vote. 1 vote = 1 NSD Token. Voting is used to moderate content by users themselves. Product page

Product Creation

Product creation details.

Buying a product

Stages of buying a product:

  1. Creating, encrypting, writing the encryption key to the contract;
  2. Calling the contract function createOrder.


Clicking the Order button creates an order. Learn more about orders.

Contract Functions

Melcor#createProduct Melcor#createOrder