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Create Store


To create a store, go to this page.

Create Store

Options for creating a store

NameStringStore Name
SloganLineStore Slogan
URLStringShop URL on Melcor
External linkStringYour store's website
DescriptionStringStore Description
Delivery countriesSelectorCountries where the store operates
Banner ImageImageThis image will appear at the top of your store page. We recommend 400 x 400.
Home Page ImageImageImageThis image will be used to display your store on the home page or other Melcor promotional areas. The recommended size is 1920 x 700.
LogoImageImageThis image will also be used for navigation. We recommend 350 x 350.

Please note that your store will only be displayed in the countries you specify. To create a store, click the "Create" button.

Stages of creating a store

Upload metadata to IPFS

Upload Ipfs

Creating, encrypting, writing the encryption key to the contract

If this is your first time on Melcor, you will be prompted to create an encryption key and password protect it.


Call the contract function createStore

Further actions

After executing the transaction, you will be redirected to the store page. Now you need to wait for the subgraph to index the store entity. Not indexed

After successful indexing, you will be able to create collections and products for this store. The store page itself will look like this: Empty products

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